Work With Me

Healing Through Creativity

Join our 90-Minute Experiential Online Workshop

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Julia Neubauer Founder Reconnect Space

Healing Through Creativity

Join our 90-Minute Experiential Online Workshop

Registrations have now closed.

Do you...


  • Have a curiousity about trying therapeutic artmaking?
  • Have difficulty managing your everyday stress and anxiety levels?
  • Find yourself excessively scrolling on social media instead of being present?
  • Find it hard to consistently apply self-care?
  • Struggle with perfectionism?
  • Feel like you're in a rut, and something needs to change?
  • Long for a better sense of balance in your day-to-day life?
  • Have the desire to understand your own behaviour better?


If yes, then this workshop is for you.

A space to slow down

This workshop will include


  • An introduction to Arts Therapy: A brief overview of what arts therapy is and how it can support your mental health and well-being


  • Guided therapeutic art exercises: We'll be focusing on self-expression, relaxation, and reflection


  • Mindfulness, meditation, and nervous system regulation


  • Community connection: An opportunity for participants to share their experiences and insights from the art exercises (optional)


No artistic skill is required. This workshop is open for anyone who'd like to learn to use creativity to support their well-being.


Our approach

At Reconnect Space, we take an integrative and embodied approach to well-being. Our approach includes a combination of art therapy, mindfulness, and nervous system regulation tools to support your healing.
Art Therapy Service

Art Therapy

Art therapy can support healing and growth through creative expression. It enhances self-awareness, reduces stress, promotes emotional healing, and empowers you to find your voice.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness & Meditation

Meditation and mindfulness cultivate inner peace, clarity, and self-awareness. They reduce stress, improve focus, promote emotional well-being, and enhance resilience.

Somatic Embodiment and Emotional Regulation

Somatic Embodiment & Regulation

Somatic embodiment and regulation foster the mind-body connection, reducing anxiety, and building resilience. Learn practical tools to support self-regulation in everyday life.

What our clients say


"Julia was wonderful to work with. She's so compassionate and easygoing, dropping little treasures of wisdom along the way. I enjoyed having her beside me as I was expressing myself through art. I felt seen, cared for, and extremely safe."

Rachel M., Participant in Creative Session

“With the way technology is going, what you’re doing is so important: to be using art to reconnect people with their own being. What you did was really awesome. I still travel with the piece that we made in our session. It was so dear to my heart."

Nicole, Participant in Creative Session

“Julia facilitated such a warm, loving and safe space for me to fully drop into the session. I experienced such a noticeable difference in my mind and body after the session. I left feeling with a lot of hope and clarity."

Deepa R., Participant in Creative Session

“At the beginning, I was still quite hyped from my busy work day. The session helped me to ground myself and definitely gave me food for thought. Julia created a safe space and made me feel at ease and seen, even despite the fact that we did an online session."

Karolina Z., Participant in Creative Session

“Julia's demeanor and approach are extremely calming and nurturing."

Ahmed H., Participant in Creative Session

You don't have to be good at art to benefit from therapeutic artmaking


Art therapy is not about creating a perfect piece of art, but rather about the process. It’s a way to communicate beyond words, tapping into your emotions and experiences.

When a young child splashes paint on paper and expresses themselves, they are not concerned about the outcome. They are fully in a creative flow. They enjoy the sensations of the materials on the paper, their fingers in the paint, taking joy in each step along the way.

The act of creating and expressing is therapeutic, helping you release emotions, reduce stress, gain insight, and foster self-awareness. Art therapy provides a safe and supportive space where you can freely explore and experiment with different materials.

There is no wrong way to create something in art therapy. It's not about being skilled, but about expressing your internal world in a way that’s visible to you.

Your workshop facilitator


Julia Neubauer is an emerging Arts Therapist based in Melbourne, Australia. She has training in art therapy, somatic embodiment, nervous system regulation, meditation, and rites of passage facilitation. Her practice also incorporates the principles from Hakomi therapy. She is a member of Holistic Therapists Australia.

She makes pottery, enjoys meditation, yin yoga and the ocean.









Healing Through Creativity

90-Minute Experiential Online Workshop


Registrations have now closed.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Art is a sanctuary of the mind, a place where healing can unfold and hope can blossom.

Michael Samuels